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Why You Need Pure Whole Life Insurance

by 슈퍼리치항해사 2022. 4. 19.

Pure whole life insurance provides the ideal protection for your family’s financial future, but most people have never heard of it before. Even if you’re familiar with whole life insurance, it may not have occurred to you that it could be the right choice to replace your term life policy when your kids are finally on their own. Below, we look at how pure whole life insurance works and explain why it’s the best type of insurance coverage out there.



How good is Pure Whole Life insurance?

While many policies will offer some sort of inflation protection, it may not be enough to cover your needs. That’s why we always encourage our clients to look for a policy that offers guaranteed cash value: With guaranteed cash value, your policy will keep up with—and even exceed—the growth of inflation over time. In addition, you can also purchase additional coverage with whole life insurance so that you are sure that your loved ones are cared for in case something happens to you. For example, through whole life insurance policies, you can include provisions for an estate plan or fund funeral costs and medical bills. Talk to a life insurance expert today!



How much does it cost?

Some policies are more affordable than others. To find out exactly how much a policy will cost, use an online life insurance calculator to estimate your monthly premium payment, as well as how much you’ll pay in total over time. When choosing a policy, decide if you want life insurance for your spouse and children or just for yourself. If you opt for added coverage, keep in mind that your premium payments will be higher, but it’s not unreasonable to include everyone on your plan. Children who are old enough to need life insurance often are also old enough to work at an after-school job and earn some money themselves.



What do you get with Pure Whole Life insurance?

Pure whole life insurance offers you guaranteed lifetime coverage no matter how healthy or unhealthy you are at any given point in your life. It is often referred to as pure because it offers whole life coverage without reducing that protection in any way based on health issues, age, or current level of investment assets. In other words, if you have $100,000 of insurance and become very ill with a terminal illness that could lead to an early death (and therefore would not receive much of a payout), you will still be covered for your full $100,000. This type of policy differs from other types of life insurance like term or universal that require regular payments but reduce coverage once certain conditions are met.



a photograph symbolizing life insurance a baby's foot

Is this right for me?

It’s important to note that not everyone needs to buy whole life insurance, and some people will find other types of insurance more appropriate. If you can afford a lump sum payment that would cover your funeral expenses and leave enough behind for your spouse and family, then consider buying a term policy. Term policies are generally much cheaper than whole life policies. However, if you want coverage for your family’s future financial security, then a whole life policy might be right for you—as long as you are able to make those monthly payments. It all depends on your specific situation and goals. Make sure to shop around and talk with an insurance agent before deciding which kind of policy is best for you.



Are there alternatives to Pure Whole Life insurance?

Yes! There are several alternatives to Pure Whole Life insurance. You can choose from term, universal and whole life policies. Read more to see which will be best for you. Although there is a difference between them, they all provide different levels of coverage. The best way to decide which one is right for you is by doing your research and knowing what exactly each type of insurance entails. If you are willing to do that, then read on!



What are the pros and cons of Pure Whole Life insurance?

The only real con of pure whole life insurance is that you’re paying premiums to protect a death benefit. Since, in general, it’s unlikely that you need to pay out a death benefit during your lifetime, what you’re really buying with pure whole life insurance is an investment component for your death benefit—and we already know how good investments are at protecting against dying. Obviously there are exceptions to every rule; if you have high-risk health issues or feel like your family would suffer financially if something happened to you, then pure whole life may be very valuable to you.
